How The Pandemic Has Changed Plumbing
Up until the time the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in the United States, most people did not think twice about having plumbers inside their homes making repairs. However, that all changed as more and more people began to worry about catching the deadly disease. As a result, plumbing companies suddenly had to think about social distancing, remote consultations, and other means to ensure their employees and customers would remain safe. Yet since plumbing businesses have been and are still considered essential services during the coronavirus pandemic, you likely have many questions as to how to get your plumbing repairs done in LA. If so, here's what you need to know.
Remote Services
To keep safety at the forefront, most plumbers in LA have offered remote services and consultations to customers. By doing so, they have been able to discuss the plumbing issue at hand, offer insight to customers as to what may be wrong, provide estimates as to the cost of repair jobs, and much more.
Outside Work
While the actual plumbing repairs will be taking place inside a home, more and more plumbers have adapted to the pandemic by doing more and more of their tasks outside a customer's home. For example, this can involve assembling pipes or other related tasks to ensure as little close contact with others as possible.
Dust Walls
In many cases, plumbers in LA are using dust walls that were previously only used during carpentry projects to provide distance and protection for them and their customers. In having this barrier, it becomes easier for the plumber to complete their job, while also giving them and the homeowner peace of mind during the repair job.
Identifying Safety Protocols
Since you as a homeowner will be concerned about having someone you don't know inside your home, plumbing companies have made it a point to emphasize the safety protocols they have in place for their workers. Thus, when customers inquire about services, the company can state their workers will be wearing masks while on the job, using hand sanitizer frequently, and maintaining a distance of six feet per CDC guidelines.
Setting Up Appointments and Consultations While you may think it has become harder to set up appointments or consultations with plumbers, in reality the coronavirus pandemic has not affected this area as much as you may think. Although you may be using Zoom when having an initial consultation with a plumber, it is still fine to make phone calls to discuss your plumbing issues and set up a time for a virtual consultation. By doing so, you can find out if the plumber you want to use is considered an essential service provider. Though the impacts of these changes may sound as if they have made getting plumbing repairs completed at your home much more difficult, LA plumbers have been quite good at adapting to the necessary changes. By doing the same, you can get your drains, water heater, or toilet repaired in a safe and effective manner. Be sure to contact Boss Plumbing for safe, effective plumbing in Los Angeles.
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