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How to Save Money on Your Los Angeles Energy Bill
Boss Plumbing has been serving Southern California since 1989 and knows how to save you money. The sound of water running is the sound of money going down the drain. Water heating can account for 14-20% of your energy bill each month. The good news is reducing the costs can be as simple as the following:
Use Less Hot Water.
You can use less water by taking a shower than by taking a bath. You use 15-25 gallons of hot water for a bath, but less than 10 gallons during a 5 minute shower. Even with a shower, that’s still a lot of water- up to 175 gallons a week. Add 3 or more family members, each with a daily 5 minute shower, and you’re up to 700 gallons of water a week. If you still want to attempt to save water and energy then have a plumber service your bathrooms and install allow pressure flow shower heads and faucets and cut the waste by half. Just call your plumber for service and they should have what you need.
Turn Down the Thermostat on Your Water Heater.
A plumber like Boss Plumbing can sometimes set the temperature higher than you really need. This is because a plumber’s goal is to demonstrate performance and verify that it is working properly. But a setting of 115F provides comfortable hot water for most uses. Just ask your plumber to reset the temperature.
Don’t Keep The Faucet Running.
We know habits are hard to change. You can avoid costly habits such as leaving the faucet on while brushing your teeth. Try a few quick “on and “off splashes to rinse your brush instead of a 4-6 minute full blast flow. Boss Plumbing advises its customers to take the time to think about ways to save money through day to day activities.
Repair Leaky Faucets Promptly.
As soon as you hear or see a drip, call your plumber. A good plumber will clean out your faucets and adjust them. We can tell you that a leaky faucet drips its way to a waste of gallons of water sooner than you realize.
Insulate Your Water Heater.
Having a plumber insulate your older electric hot water storage tank and pipes can be very beneficial, but make sure the plumber is careful to not cover the thermostat. Insulate your older gas or oil hot water storage tank and pipes, but be careful not to cover the water heaters floor, top, thermostat, or burner compartment; have your plumber do this for you and always make sure your plumber is a licensed professional.
Buy a New, More Efficient Water Heater. Boss Plumbing believes its customers should get the most out of their plumbing investments. Although most water heaters last 10 to 15 years, it's best to start shopping for a new one if yours is more than 7 years old. Calling your plumber and doing some research before your water heater fails will enable you to select one that most appropriately meets your needs. Your plumber can assist you in selecting a size and type best suited for your home environment. For example, a new water heater which comes with a thick, insulating shell may cost more initially than one without insulation, but energy savings will continue during the lifetime of the appliance. Ask your plumber for what they can recommend.
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